Running Out of Time

So what good is a wedding blog to our guests and family if we don’t update it? Well… Not much…

So here I am giving you an update on why there have been so few updates… It goes like this: “We’re getting married this Saturday.”

See the one thing you really dont realize going into the month prior to the wedding is exactly how much work is left on the table… Let me give you the quick run down of events and time consuming things you probably didn’t factor into your already busy lifestyle (I know I didn’t, very well at least):

  • Showers and Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties – These events take planning, just like the wedding does. There are invites, gifts, favors, food, and location to deal with. Depending on how many your planning on having, this portion can be as much, if not more work, than the wedding itself. On the upside, bridesmaids/groomsmen generally do a good portion of the planning, which helps a lot. This is where I say a special thank you to Nikki, Ashley, Amy, and Richard for all the hard work they put in (sorry if I forgot anyone, but I think those were the people in charge of various events)
  • Dance Lessons – These take time people! And most people wait until the month (or 2) before to do them. Worth having though if you plan on dancing.
  • Rehearsal Dinner – This one is hard to miss, but it really does eat up a large chunk of time. Like the showers, the time isn’t so much the event itself, but the planning. Again, the groom’s parents generally are in charge of this, so you can get some help here. (Thanks mom and dad)
  • Shopping – Shopping? For a Wedding? Yep! Things that you have to purchase (or rent) prior to the wedding include: Clothes (both rehersal and wedding outfits/dresses/tuxes), Gifts (for wedding party), Stuff (for honeymoon), Toys (anything you want to get before you marry your signigficant other that you don’t think they’ll let you get), Stuff (anything you need for your new home that you don’t think you’ll get for your weddig).
  • Moving – Assuming your not already living with your significant other… Moving takes time, and some planning to, if your like me and need to work.
  • Work – Just realize you still have to work during all this (most likely)

So that’s just a short list of the chaos that is going on in my world at the moment.

In other news, I look forward to seeing you all in just 4 days!

2 Responses to “Running Out of Time”

  1. Isaiah Says:

    How ’bout some pictures of the bachelor party? 🙂

  2. Candace Says:

    We love you Justin… right at this moment you are getting married.. YeHaw!

    I am so thrilled for you!

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