The First Wave of Media

Hey all of you wonderful people who either attended our wedding, or followed it with great anticipation! Thank you all for your support and help…

Well we’ve started collecting photos from friends and family. If you have any you would like to share, PLEASE email justin ( and he will send you the instructions on how and where you can upload them.

If you didn’t take any pictures, or you just want to browse the growing collection, go ahead and click here.

There are also some pictures from our honeymoon.

Over 3000 pictures were taken by our photographer. We’ll post them as soon as we get them (probably about 2 more weeks). We also have some video footage (some of which can be found in the photo galleries.)

More on multimedia and how this site will look long term in the coming weeks.

Again thank you all for your support!

One Response to “The First Wave of Media”

  1. David Says:

    Hey Justin,

    Just wanted to let you know I used your plugin for my sister’s wedding and it worked outstanding!!

    You can see it in use here:

    They send their thanks, and we can’t thank you enough for your help. Thanks for sending me the plugin!

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