Archive for April, 2008

Marriage Counseling Part 2

Saturday, April 26th, 2008

I believe we have now been through 3 marriage counseling sessions. So far so good. I have to admit, these personality profiles they have us take do a pretty spot on job of matching us to the letter. So far I would agree with just about everything they’ve said, both good and bad.

For example: you would probably never have guess this (yeah right), but me and Amber are pretty much in sync when it comes to our religious beliefs. In fact, we scored liked a 90/100 on it, which is pretty dang tough to do (I’m not even sure 100 is possible, and everything seems to be rounded to the nearest 10). We also scored pretty strongly on our communication… which probably explains why we’ve been able to date for 5 years with little trouble.

Our weakest was finance, which to us wasn’t all that surprising. Amber and I have very different views on money, which has already caused some “fun” in our relationship while planning this wedding… And even more fun now that we are looking for a house/townhouse in Woodbury. Needless to say though, our communication skills have so far been able to overcome our views on money, and when they haven’t, prayer seems to have solved it for us :-). In any case, I’m hoping that we limit the fireworks in our 4th session (which will be almost the sole topic for the week).

In other news: we have started looking for a home. We’ve secured pre-approval on a loan, and have already got a house (or 2) in mind. Amber’s hoping that we are able to go look at it as early as tomorrow.

Still waiting for some music requests from people :-). Right now I’m leaning towards hits from 1992… Things like:  Achy Breaky Heart, Black or White, Baby Got Back, Life is a Highway, 2 Legit 2 Quit… Ah yes.. Back when I had my own radio show…

What? What did he just say? More on that at Rinsefirst at another time… 🙂

Music Requests and More Registry

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Because our DJ (Instant Request) allows us to put together a playlist prior to the dance, we’re putting out an open call for people to “request” songs to be played at the wedding. Here are the rules:

  • Should be able to dance to it
  • Song requests should be posted in the comments
  • Limit 3 song requests per person
  • We reserve the right not to put anyone’s requests on our playlist.

Also, we added the last place of registry to the registry page, as well as a list of some hotels in the area, be sure to check out both sections. Who knows, maybe Amber will have an update as to the “invite” process and how that’s going…