A Glance Back and a Look Forward

What an amazing year this past one has been!  I received the greatest gift that I could have ever asked for in July: a beautiful son.  Lincoln has made me the person I have always longed to be.  There is not one moment if 2011 that I would wish to change.  I am so proud of the almost 6 month old that he has become!  I love myself more than ever.  I have realized what an amazing mate my husband is.  I am completely refreshed!  More joyful, compassionate, patient than I ever have been.  I have a much greater love for our God!

My first time holding Lincoln:
He was able to leave the special care nursery about 5 hours after he was born.

Justin holding our sweet boy:

I am looking forward to this next year with such excitement!  We will pay off one of our cars this year.  We will watch our sister Amy graduate and get married.  *fingers crossed* I will be graduating from grad school this year!  Lincoln will be growing and changing every moment!

What a wonderful new year we have entered.  I am so excited!

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