I see you, God
Sometimes it’s hard for me to see God in the usual places. And when I do see Him, I’m not always loud about it.
When Link was born, and after I healed from my baby blues, I tried to make it a priority to thank God for Link daily. It lasted months, and then dwindled. When Eloise was born, I was amazed at how she was exactly what I prayed for, but I don’t praise Him every time she smiles at me. I should.
But today, I recognize God. He is in the cold water I used to wash my face with since the water heater broke. He was in the puddle I stepped in, reminding me that we all have obstacles. He is in my husband’s tired eyes, who spent more time that not rocking our babe last night. He is in my mom’s pain, as she recovers from surgery. He is in Link’s tears, and Ellie’s smiles; in Ellie’s tears and Link’s smiles. He is here, with me in everything.
For that, I will never be alone.